
The hard truth about being a channel to the Divine

The hard truth about being a channel to the Divine is the level of work that is required to fulfil this role from a position of purity. This means putting your relationship with Divine Creator first, followed very closely with your Soul Blueprint (your contract with Divine Creator). This work includes being absolutely fastidious with the choices that you make […]

How do you handle transition?

This is an interesting topic hey – how do you handle transition? A topic that’s up for debate in most circles as Earth life is dependent upon the human, and their perspective which is the sum total of all the experience they have had in this life and their past lives. And BEFORE you start nattering off at the screen… […]

I Am OPEN to Limitless Possibilities

Growing up in a family that struggled to make ends meet, I couldn’t say ‘I Am open to limitless possibilities’ as I had a scarcity mindset. As a teenager, I was aware there wasn’t a lot of money to go around. Whilst this didn’t bother me per se… a tiny seed was planted within the fibres of my being that […]

Soul Contracts with Animals

Most people have an awareness of soul contracts with other humans. There are also soul contracts with animals. Similarly with human soul contracts, the human-animal soul contracts are selected and drawn up before we reincarnate and have an intention and/or purpose which is in the highest good of our spiritual evolution. They may be for a short time, or a […]

Live in the Present with one question

It’s that time of the calendar year when humans hash out intentions, resolutions and plans for the year ahead. ‘Out with the old, in with the new!’ or ‘New me, who dis!’. I am setting the intention to live in the present more often. I know, I know, not that ole chestnut haha This concept has been banging about forever, […]

Authenticity isn’t always sweet, but it’s real

With the energies of the October New Moon moving through me I felt a deep sacred cycle begin. Authenticity isn’t always sweet, but it’s real! I realised that I was deeply overwhelmed about a few bits and pieces in Stacey World. So sit back while I relay the process as it unfolded for me this time around. Warning! This features […]

Manifest the Life of your Dreams

It may surprise you to learn, that we often get in our own way and prevent the life of our dreams from manifesting. This is a common situation in humanity. Conscious choice could resolve or eliminate this entirely. Are we creating from the position of peace and love to gather more light and manifest the life of our dreams… Or […]

Are you still in your heartspace?

I’ve been challenged around the true meaning of safety and security. It felt like I’d pulled the Tower card from a Tarot deck every day!  The tower card heralds chaos and destruction. Sudden upheaval, unexpected change. Think of it like a bomb goes off in your life. You don’t know how you are going to survive, it’s hideously difficult and […]

Earth is a living library of information

There’s something for each of us to connect with. And this library comes to life when you begin living with all 12 chakras balanced and open. The more connected you are, the more information you can access. We each have a specific purpose on Earth, and this is why we all respond to information differently. Some of us can integrate […]

The Ascension purification process

Ascension is the process of gathering more light. This facilitates the alchemical marriage between your human self and your I Am Presence. Gathering more light involves purifying all distortion created within. This is the ascension purification process. But what is the purification aspect? Clearing negativity, false beliefs, poor attitudes and habits you have created that block the manifestation of your […]