Earth is a living library of information

There’s something for each of us to connect with. And this library comes to life when you begin living with all 12 chakras balanced and open. The more connected you are, the more information you can access. We each have a specific purpose on Earth, and this is why we all respond to information differently. Some of us can integrate high vibrational information without much effort, some of us can integrate a portion of it, and some of us struggle entirely. There is nothing wrong with this because Earth is a living library of information.

Within the living library, there are also different frequencies of information. Like light frequency and love frequency. Light frequency cannot carry large concepts because it isn’t connected with emotion. Love frequency on the other hand IS connected with emotion and thus allows people to create an expanded concept of themselves. Why? Because love is the most supreme vibration in all existence. It holds all of Divine creation together in perfect harmony, therefore, when you integrate it into your life you move closer to being in perfect harmony within yourself.

Earth is a living library of information. This can mean hard work. Full stop. Enter. Enter. New paragraph haha I often struggle team. Just because you don’t see a struggle, doesn’t mean there isn’t one going on internally. All I want in life is to be at peace within myself and with everything and everyone around me. Easier said than done… #sacredcontracts

Recently, the universe bestowed upon me a delectable gift by way of a most challenging sacred contract. When I say ‘challenging’, I mean the most harrowing and painful life experience I have had in about four years. But the pain is the golden treasure for its presence indicates an aspect of you that needs healing (hello opportunity!) and leaning into the pain leads you back to love. It leads you back to being in perfect harmony with yourself.

It is the human way to get defensive, go into victim mode, and point the finger at ole mate next to you hey lol. Granted sometimes people say, think, feel, and do awful things to others. Not gonna lie. However, hurt people… hurt other people. This understanding allows you to let go, to sit in a neutral space, to detach, and return your time and energy to yourself so you can go back to being in perfect harmony with yourself regardless of what arrives in your world. This understanding of others allows you to sink into the fact that Earth is a living library of information.

This sacred contract presented a lil karma for me. You will reap what you sow. I had to look at the energetic mirror of myself from my early 20s, before I started my ascension journey. And all I have to say about that is ew lol Regulating my emotions and being peaceful within were foreign to me. I was chaos. I stomped around making a lot of noise, taking up lots of space, and being generally difficult to deal with. Sounds like heaven, right? Haha Or not…

This reflection was both breathtaking and heartbreaking. Breathtaking because I can see just how far I’ve come. This is so delicious I’m licking all that healing yum yum off each and every finger haha. However, it’s also heartbreaking. Foror the first time in my life, I had to feel how I made others feel years ago. And I watch this sacred contract take the same actions I did, because they are in pain like I was. I often wished someone had pulled me aside and said ‘Hey, there is another way to exist’.

But the reality is I would have told them to fuck off and mind their own business. Which is precisely what I received when trying to peacefully offer other options now I’m on the other side. The thing is, I know that when people really need help, they may attack me for offering to help. But I always try because it is the right thing to do.

Today I Am a completely different person. Consciously aware of everything that I put out in the world, and how it may impact those around me. Nowadays, I am more self-goverened. I work on this daily. In mind, heart, body, and soul. And today I still get it wrong haha Yay! Here’s to being perfectly imperfect. The difference now… is HOW I manage the moments when I get it wrong.

The biggest shift is accountability. You can sit there and talk about all the ways other people have fucked you over. We all have a story or two or 300 lol However, taking accountability for your own actions is the truth, and the light. There is also immense power in accountability because once you embody this you can truly change the way you operate on a deep level. When you change, your world changes. I am at peace within myself, and with everything and everyone around me…

Accountability is more than saying you need to change. Its more than rummaging around in your habits and behaviours. It’s more than meditating once a week. That’s surface level stuff. Staying at surface level, and expecting deep change, is like getting one inch inside your lover and expecting a full blown tantric orgasm lol Accountability is actively and intentionally sifting through the deepest parts of who you are. Especially when its uncomfortable. It’s lovingly sitting with yourself. In silence. Stripping out layer, upon layer, UPON LAYER of pain and trauma so you can re-connect to the Divine that lives within you. So you can find yourself again.

This sacred contract also challenged me in terms of patience, compassion, and forgiveness WHILST my domestic violence post-traumatic stress was triggered. I know right. Fuck that! Lol I was tested around standing in my full power and continuing to be the truth, and the light, even when I was in the face of deception and manipulation. But anyone who is anyone in Stacey World already knows, that I have signed up for the most hectic Earth lessons, on purpose, because I’d like to exist outside of Earth after this life * wink * NOTE: Your body and soul will send you messages (both physical and energetic) when you are in the presence of deception and manipulation. Don’t be afraid of that. Earth is a living library of information. Use this knowledge to your advantage.

I’ve written a blog post on how to identify triggers. And this sacred contract raised a red flag – I had no process for my domestic violence PTSD. No ear markers for what it felt like when I was triggered, and no coping mechanisms. All it took was one similarity between my past life, and my present life, for me to shut down my heart space. I shut down Emotional Stacey. I’m sure a lot of you are nodding. Most people’s first reaction to pain is to shut down their emotions and heart… but this is like starting a nuclear war in Stacey World.

Emotional Stacey is vital for Stacey World to function in perfect harmony. Emotional Stacey is our guiding light. The gateway to our soul. The supreme articulator of our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. She speaks in poetry because her language is one of the stars. She is love with a capital L. And I don’t mean that trick ass human love that everyone peddles down here on the street corner, I mean Divine Cosmic Love.

This is relevant because my intellect is razor sharp. Calculating. Methodical. My Spiritual Warrior is powerful. Ferocious. Strong. Both are equally terrifying in their own right. But when they are tempered with Emotional Stacey, they form the holy trinity within Stacey World and all the other Staceys live in harmony in the centre of this triangulation. When the three of them are equally integrated, we are a sumptuous goddess who casually lounges on a day bed completely naked with her long hair falling down around her shoulders beckoning to all the native Earthlings to come hither and be free. And when Emotional Stacey is shut down… we are Mahuika the Māori Goddess of Fire after Maui stole one of her flames from her fingertip (For all my non-Māori subscribers this means you should run lol)

Now when I was first triggered into my PTSD… did I let go, sit in a neutral space, and manage the situation with grace? No. Absolutely not. And now it gets tasty. My reaction was unconscious. Without an open heart, a medieval war village was erected outside Stacey World. All of the Staceys were in full armour sharpening swords, except emotional Stacey because she’s locked in the tower with little Stacey ‘for their protection’. A war version of Stacey World was overlaid on top of the Business As Usual Stacey World without active intention or thought, it was an unconscious knee-jerk reaction and creation. But everything we do to protect ourselves when it comes to relationships… actually does the opposite.

Whilst the reaction started out with all the blood and gore from the Red Wedding chapter from Game of Thrones books, I got to the part where you sew the head of a wolf onto the body of a human and went woh woh woh. And I stopped for a second and sank into the harrowing misery of the pain that was raging a war within me. I let all the emotions burst forth and I cried. I sobbed my little heart out. And I leaned into my cosmic clique, my support network, who graciously held space for me, and witnessed my journey with love. I love you all.

By no means should any of you measure yourselves by my yardstick, however, for demonstrative purposes, I will share that it took me three days to move through the really hideous part of this process. That’s turning the pain tap on FULL and letting everything gush out at 100% intensity and completely flooding Stacey World. I do this in the safety of solace, and in the safety of my cosmic clique community as both spaces emanate love. I know that hurting at 100% for three days isnt anyone’s idea of best life lol but to me its a better experience than hurting at 60% for a year. Call me a sick fuck but I live for the pain… because it leads you back to love.

During those three days I barely had the energy to ‘do’. So, I gave my body what it needed in the moment and when I didn’t know what that was, I leaned into my support network for help. Telling your cosmic clique what is happening, even on the bad days, opens up a space for deep connection. No secrets. No lies. We cried together, we laughed together, we got angry together, we held empathy for my sacred contract together, we healed together. During those three days I had salt baths (detox the body), slept with a weighted blanket (nourish the body), listened to tesla 3,6,9 codes (refocus the mind to manifest), went to pilates & yoga classes (move the stagnant energy around), and did mirror work (self-soothe while detoxing the heart). Remember… Earth is a living library of information…

THEN I started making research notes about Stacey World. I started a little Quality Assurance audit from the blood and gore of the war version of Stacey World and GOING BACKWARDS. I was able to pinpoint the moment when the medieval war village was erected and ask myself WHY. Why did this send me off the deep end? Yes, it was a horrible situation to be placed in by a person I trust… but that aside… why did I react like this? Then BOOM! A new process map was created, which became a new work instruction for how to let go, sit in a neutral space, detach, and return my time and energy to myself. And slowly but surely I started a lil crip walk back to being in perfect harmony with myself. Ye-ow.

Another aspect of accountability is being open and honest with your sacred contract, even if they challenge you lol and boy does mine challenge me. So, I shared my findings and my experiences with my sacred contract. I apologised for not getting it right the first time and reassured them that I have a plan now so I can sit in a neutral space and detach. And the response I got? I was told my PTSD is rubbish haha awh gummon mate #humans but remember what I said about hurt people… hurting other people? Now you’re getting the gist of it. What others think or say about me is none of my business. I Am Secure in who I Am. Strong. Confident. Beautiful in my Being. I Am Divine Love. Aaaaand now we are licking that Sovereign Queen yum yum off each and every finger haha Emm. Sovereignty.

It is at this point that you will make the best choices for yourself because you’ve let go, you’re in a neutral space, you’ve detached, and you’re back in perfect harmony with yourself. You can flow with life. You can just be. And those who are meant to be in your life will be. And if they’re not, simply wish them well on their way out because they’re making space for shiny new experiences that are about to arrive on your doorstep!

At the end of the day, going inward and focusing on yourself, focusing on your why, is the only way. Channel your time and energy into you. Leave the madness behind and re-define yourself. Ride that love frequency, flow with all the intensity of your emotions and reach an expanded concept of yourself. And in turn you will make great choices for yourself, you will have great moments, which leads to a great life! Will you always get it right? No, but who cares? We all make mistakes and Earth is a living library of information! Be the illuminate example that Earth needs. Allow your light to help others find their way when they are lost. Shine and you will herald their homecoming to the Divine that lives within themselves.

Until next time my loves x

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